Missions: Misseo Dei
Misseo Dei, Send God, is the mission’s arm of At The Cross Global Ministries. We believe that Christ’s commission to make disciples of all nations still remains. Even to this day, there are people that have been untouched and unreached by the Gospel. Our goal is to reach those groups all across the world.In addition to sharing the Gospel, Christ also instructed Christians to remember the least of these. Through partnerships with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and through our own efforts, At The Cross Global Ministries is committed to reaching those who do not have access to basic resources such as food, shelter, and health care. We seek to bring mission teams, with a focus on Christ, to serve the least of these by focusing on areas of poverty, education, and disaster relief.
Missio Dei seeks to engage individuals and organizations in ministry through outreach, support, and participation in short-term missions using our resources, talents, and spiritual gifts to serve the least of these while transforming lives through education, economic empowerment, and community stabilization and relief efforts.
Organizations and individuals with an interest in missions work and serving the least of these are encouraged to contact us at missions@atthecross.org for more information about upcoming mission trips.
Past Mission Focus:
. Women’s Empowerment Conference & Seminar
. Medical Missions
. Literacy & Education
. Children’s Ministry
. Vacation Bible School